Sunday, September 21, 2008

Britney Spears - Womanizer (FanMade Single Cover)

Made by Netmen

Made by Kevin
Made by jtothes
Made by blazing swarm
Made by Vin
Made by theoedd
Made by cameltoe123
Made by Zach
Made by Nixmix
Made by Enanoj14
Made by RICK


Anonymous said...

i'm liking all these new brit covers!

Anonymous said...

I luv the second one and the last one!!

nickurey said...

These are all great, I'm making one also, I'll be show you when I've done :)
Cant wait for the song haha

Corrado said...

oh! i love the first one!!!

Anonymous said...

I L*O*V*E* Vin's Cover, I Don't Know How I Feel About the Text but the Pic is Hott. I Like jtothes's Cover Too, I Wuld Like It More Though if it Wasn't a Blurry Kinda Pic, and If the Text was Toward the Bottom. But it's Still Kinda Nice.


Unknown said...

Wow, you people are good!!!
The ones made by Vin and Theoedd are my favs!
I can't wait to see the official cover!

Anonymous said...

Wow Netman. What a glorious cover. Great talent you have.


Anonymous said...

wow! those cover are amazing!!! :P
plz do more :]

Anonymous said...

the first one is great

Anonymous said...

Holy Crap!! The first one is the BEST fan cover i've ever seen!!! amazing!

Anonymous said...

I Edit A Womanizer Cover
i love this site alot just put it
with those covers

Anonymous said...

nice work guys, the first picture is fake though. Britney's head is photoshopped onto some other pic (check breathe heavy for more info)