Sunday, July 18, 2010

David Archuleta - David Archuleta (Official Album Cover) + Booklet


Anonymous said...

can u say a future clay gaiken? this cover is so homo...its not even funny...

too bad his album is going to bomb and he will be dropped like the rest of those idols...

Anonymous said...

I disagree. I think his album will do well. :) and as for the gay reference. Why does it matter if he is or isn't? It shouldn't affect his as an artist.

Anonymous said...

LOL so true Art. Can you say gay and low budget!

Poor kid is so going to fail :*(

Anonymous said...

The gentleman above is an idiot - as well as blind and deaf! David Archuleta, above all else, is a STELLAR vocalist, a fine musician, and a breath of fresh air into an increasingly stale pop market.

This album cover is a wonderful transition away from the cute Idol kid into his new role as rising pop star. The composition is excellent, his piercing eyes grab your attention... when all is said and done, it's what will be inside this cover that will cement his status as a musical talent in pop to be reckoned with.

Anonymous said...

he's kind of hot i hope he is gay

Anonymous said...

You are so pathethic Art... how can you infer what you have by a freaking album cover? Speaks to some deficiency in your soul, methinks. And are you psychic? Heard the album already? Until you do, tis best to keep one's mouth shut, and be thought a FOOL, than to open it, and leave no doubt.