Friday, October 31, 2008

Britney Spears - Circus (Official Album Cover)


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

What's this???? it cant be more sexy? and less princess?

i wish thats a test from the company to know their mistake and change it as quick as possible

one month before the release...ahhhhh thats not reflecting the songs, the style and.. the britney bitch!

Anonymous said...

that looks so fake and if its not that designer better get fired...

David Tellez said...

I don't think it's horrible, per se, but I did think, after seeing the single cover for "Womanizer", the official album would reflect the vibe. Maybe a dark circus theme?

Hell, look what Netman did. He's the one who created the fanmade cover with Britney in a black leather suit with a whip, in a ring of fire. I don't know if that's Britney exactly, but I love the way it evokes the raw sexuality and fear a circus can create. In fact, I have it as my single cover for my iPod, because I like that much!

Britney's folks need to take a second look...

Anonymous said...

i like it :)

Anonymous said...

jealous much?

Anonymous said...

That Cover sucks...!!! F*** JIVE!

Anonymous said...

HORRIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [2]

Anonymous said...

umm i expected something better. she's gorgeous, but it looks incredibly low-budget.

Anonymous said...

she look so gorgeous,
but the cover, HORRIBLE!. i was expecting something a circus with animal in the back or something! like Christian's video HURT!
don't you guys think??

Anonymous said...

--- she's gorgeous!
but it was expecting something a little different with a real CIRCUS and Lions in the back, Like Christian's HURT video!
don't you guys think?

Anonymous said...

Horrible more than Blackout !
Total scrap !!

Anonymous said...

ewwww she looks constipated lol

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

crap cover...a total wreck

Anonymous said...

wiuu that cover sucks!
i expected something more
like in a real circus
ican do better covers than that!
so I hope that it changes!

Anonymous said...

Why all britney's album covers Sucks!!!
The only good one was form Baby one more time.
This looks so 70's even the photo looks kinda old I really hate it.
Poor Brit she deserves better.

Anonymous said...

worst britney album cover ever. why must they do this to her?? its so boring. i expected so much more. such a dissappointment.

The Pimp said...

i hate it.

Anonymous said...

OMG! its awful! its looks like a fake cover.

Anonymous said...

Totally agree with everyone this cover is a BIG LET DOWN! im really disapointed. I love all Brit's single covers but her album covers are hell!