Thursday, October 1, 2009

Ashley Tisdale - Crank It Up (Official Single Cover)

Thanx to Adrian


Anonymous said...

Its to plain!
BT LUBB DEE SONG! LLubb ashley she rocks ndd ishee better den Vanessa slutty ass!! ahaha

Anonymous said...

She's not even blonde anymore! :( The cover is an old pic.

Anonymous said...

oh god u 2 r both retarded
the first 1 cant talk or think that this is funny
and the 2nd go and watch the photo again she is BURNETTE not blonde

oh god u ruined the site

Anonymous said...

To the third anonymous what's burnette? Also the video was what that person was probably referencing. She's blonde in the video. So, before you go shouting how people ruined the site, are "retarded" and can't spell... you didn't spell much correctly either.

Also - grow up.